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Tag: Rome

Sailing into Mediterranean delights – lots of ports and no storms

Sailing into Mediterranean delights – lots of ports and no storms

Sailing into a port city, even one you may have visited before, gives the ideal introduction to your destination. Chose a cruise a line with smaller ships and you will be able to get to the heart of the city by just stepping off the vessel rather than enduring grim airport queues, lugging luggage on a train or bus, searching for the accommodation. I always describe cruising as being on a comfortable hotel that does the travelling, so you don’t…

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Roman holiday in Trier

Roman holiday in Trier

“What are those windows balanced on your nose?” our toga-wearing guide Heidi asked me before embarking on a tour of Trier where 2,000 years of history pass under your feet in an afternoon’s stroll. “I have heard these vehicles have horse power but I am looking and I cannot see the horses”, she continued, staying in role as a Roman citizen of the city that was once known as the second Rome and is so closely linked with the first…

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