Mike Smith’s That’s Tripical travel blog
Now first of all, the name, That’s Tripical. You will find there is nothing Typical about That’s Tripical. It might occasionally get Tropical. It will always be Topical.
Over the days, weeks, months and, well let’s not push it, I’ll be sharing trip tales from near and far so fasten your seat belt, it could be a bumpy ride.
I just want you to hopeful enjoy, maybe laugh, perhaps be inspired. So off we go. Thanks for the company.
There will be lots of culture, architecture, natural wonders, food and drink and nightlife in my blogs but don’t expect too much sport. There is plenty of that out there. You might even find the occasional live arts review as that is my other great blogging passion. But don’t worry, there is nothing dry or elitist about my reviews – I say it as it is.
Here’s a taste of where we will be going.
Please let me know anything you think I and other readers would enjoy sharing and make suggestions for new destinations to visit. If you disagree with what I say, please let me know – everything is subjective and nothing is totally black and white so the more views the better.
There will also be lots of photographs and some snippets of video using small cameras and mobile devices because I want this blog to be as live and realistic as possible. Maybe you would like to share your images as well.
By the way, I am an NUJ journalist so I will be abiding by my union’s code of conduct and all my blogs will be ethical. I’m sure your comments will be the same.
Words and images copyright Mike Smith, NUJ